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Practical information about volleyball at KVA
- KVA is a volleyball club with teams of different levels in Amsterdam’s the De Pijp area
- Training days:
- Mondays (@Sportcentrum De Pijp, Amsterdam)
- Fridays (@ROC RAI, Amsterdam)
- Competition:
- Depends on home or away
- Home matches: usually Thursdays, sometimes Saturdays
- Locations: (@Wethouder Verheijhal and @Sportcentrum De Pijp, both Amsterdam)
- Away matches: could be all days (never Sundays) and multiple locations
- Beach volleyball
- When the indoor season ends (~May)
- Monday & Friday (@VU University, Amsterdam)
- More information (in Dutch)
- Costs
- € 276 for adults/season
- ~€ 70 for adults/beach volleyball
- More information (in Dutch)
- Other questions?
- Mail tc@kvavolleybal.nl
I want more information about volleyball at KVA
Well okay than, just read the story below our logo!
Why KVA?
KVA is a volleyball club, located in Amsterdam’s De Pijp area. We’re an average sized club: we have several men’s and women’s teams with people of all ages, and a number of youth teams. We say we’re the most ‘gezellige’ club of Amsterdam – you know, ‘gezellig’, the word that you can’t really translate into English, but means as much as ‘cosy’, ‘warm’ and ‘fun’ combined. That does not mean that we are not passionate about winning! We play competition in the official leagues of national volleyball association Nevobo, on several different (amateur) levels, so there’s room for beginners and advanced players.
As a ‘gezellige’ club, we throw the occasional party, usually at our home location Sportcentrum De Pijp. Preferably, we do this on ‘thuisspeeldagen’, playing-at-home-days, usually Saturdays when multiple teams play their matches. Also, we try to host other activities once in a while: from visiting pro matches, to boat trips, to an annual beach volleyball weekend on the island of Ameland. And most teams organise a team event themselves at least once a year, such as going out for a dinner or a dance.
When the summer’s there, and the indoor facility closes, you could enjoy the time off. But! Should you want to keep on playing, KVA also organises a beach volleyball season at an outdoor facility located at VU University.
Training schedule
Training days are Mondays (Sportcentrum De Pijp) and Fridays (ROC RAI), depending on which team you’re in. A training slot is 1.5 hours. Youth teams train between 17:00 and 20:00. Adults train between 20:00 and 23:00. You can find the training schedule for all teams here.
Many (but not all) matches take place in the Wethouder Verheijhal. Match days depend on which opponent you are facing, but Thursday evenings are our home evenings, and sometimes there are daytime Saturday matches (playing-at-home-days) at Sportcentrum De Pijp.
Beach volleyball
When the indoor season is over, the KVA beach volleyball season starts for those who are interested. The format of the beach volleyball seasons can vary from year to year, but usually, there are training sessions on Monday evenings and a free play evening on Fridays. The fields are located at the VU University site.
The costs for a season (~September – May), including training and competition:
- 18 year or older: € 276
- 12 to 17 years: € 207
- 11 years old or younger: € 172,50
- Supporting member/Friend of KVA: € 50
- Beach volleyball: depends on the season, usually about €70 for all of the summer
Compared to other sports in Amsterdam, such as working out in a gym, bouldering or playing squash, the subscription fee you pay at KVA is quite low. That’s because we are a ‘vereniging’, an association of members. Becoming a member of KVA means you are expected to contribute by helping out with one ore more tasks. As a volunteer, there are different sorts of things you can do that help you get to know the club and its people better, while putting your skills to use: be a trainer, coach matches, set up the refereeing schedule, help selecting the right people for the right teams, organising parties, writing texts like you’re reading now and everything else you can think of… Pretty much all is done by our members. Volunteering is the glue that keeps the club together – and the subscription fee low.
You can find us on Instagram and Facebook!
Join the club or a trial training
- Join a (up to 3) trial trainings
- Please fill out this form
- Join the club
- Other questions? Mail tc@kvavolleybal.nl